The Leadership Attitude We Need Right Now

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Over the past few weeks, I have been reminded about something really important. It’s not only coronavirus that is contagious, so is our attitude.

What we need right now, is emotional leadership. In order to do that, we need to set the example, be a role model to those around us, and purposely define and lead the way.

What we need right now, is emotional leadership. In order to do that, we need to set the example, be a role model to those around us, and purposely define and lead the way.

To help with that, I offer these 3 suggestions.

  • 7/11 Diaphragmatic Breathing. Focus on taking breaths into your belly as though you are blowing up a balloon to the count or 7, and then breath all that air out for the count of 11. This simple practice will help you stay regulated, and encourage those around you to stay regulated too. Do them often, and especially when you can feel the tension within you rising. Video instructions here.
  • Daily gratitude’s. I’ve been in isolation with my best friend and her family. At dinner, we noticed that the conversation had dwindled because we are spending all day together. With so much that is lost to us in times of restrictions and illness, we decided to share our 3 gratitude’s for the day. Whether doing this with yourself and your journal, or at the dinner table with those you are isolated with, I invite you to focus on what else is true of each day.
  • Curated Input. Be aware of balancing input. Endless Netflix binges won’t feed your mind any better than endless news reporting. But balance in what you consume, what you create, read, write, play etc… you have choices.

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